Company Benefits
Offering a workplace pension is a necessary requirement for business owners. But it can also be a way to attract talent and help with employee retention. Taking care of your employees will help them feel more valued and happier.
Those that feel part of the business will also be more inclined to help take care of it. Some pension plans offer sustainability opportunities as well, meaning you can help take care of the planet too.

What we do
We specialise in working with small businesses, helping them set up the right pension scheme that suits their needs and giving ongoing advice and support. We can help you find the best pension that will run smoothly, require little management time, and can make significant savings. We can help your staff understand the scheme and appreciate your investment – and theirs. We are great at communicating with your employees too and there is always someone to speak to, in person, online or on the phone.
What that means for you
You’ll have more time – after all, we’ll do all of the hard work for you. Your employees will be happy – we received 93% positive feedback following group presentations. For individual employee consultations this was 97.8%. You might even save money – most of our clients do when they switch to us.

Second opinion
We also offer a second opinion.
Let us provide a free initial consultation. We will review your current workplace pension scheme, listen to your needs and put forward our recommendations.