17 December 2018
Small companies run the risk of losing people to competitors because the benefits they offer are not so attractive.
Companies employing between 50 and 300 staff say attracting talent is a bigger challenge than growing profits or improving workflow.
The only issue that was a bigger concern was the uncertainty over Brexit.
However, research has found that more than half of these firms (55%) say they would value help from consultants on how to attract new staff.
A well-designed benefits package can play a major role in enhancing the value proposition for employees, however SME owners need support in establishing which benefits to provide and ensuring that the employees understand and appreciate them. They also need help in ensuring that these are set up in the most cost-effective manner possible.
Corinthian have helped hundreds of small to medium-sized companies create bespoke company benefits programmes that suit them down to the ground – and we can help you too. As an independent consultancy we get to work with all the major providers of employee benefits. We know their products and get great deals, which in turn means you get the right advice and can usually save you money.
Give us a call today and see how we can help.