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23 May 2023

In today’s fast-paced and demanding work environment, prioritising employee health and wellness is no longer just a trend but a necessity. Employers who invest in comprehensive wellness programs and initiatives can reap numerous benefits, including increased productivity, enhanced job satisfaction, and improved overall employee well-being. As a pension and benefits consultancy, we work with a wide range of businesses, many of whom want to prioritise not only the financial well-being of their employees but also the mental and physical well-being of them also.

Boosting Productivity and Performance

All the evidence confirms – employee health and wellness directly impact productivity and performance levels within an organisation. By offering wellness programs, employers provide opportunities for employees to take care of their physical and mental well-being. Wellness initiatives, such as fitness programs, gym memberships, and health screenings, can improve employees’ physical health, leading to increased energy levels, better focus, and reduced absenteeism. Additionally, mental health support and resources can help employees manage stress, enhance resilience, and maintain optimal cognitive function, resulting in improved job performance.

Enhancing Job Satisfaction and Employee Engagement

A focus on employee health and wellness contributes significantly to job satisfaction and overall employee engagement. When employees feel that their well-being is a priority for their employer, it fosters a sense of value and care. Wellness programs demonstrate an organisation’s commitment to creating a positive work environment that supports employees’ physical and mental health needs. This, in turn, leads to greater job satisfaction, increased loyalty, and higher levels of employee engagement.

Attracting and Retaining Top Talent

In today’s competitive job market, attracting and retaining top talent is a significant challenge for employers. Offering comprehensive health and wellness programs can give organisations a competitive edge. Prospective employees actively seek employers who prioritise employee well-being, knowing that their health needs will be supported. By providing wellness programs that go beyond traditional healthcare benefits, such as gym memberships or yoga classes, employers can position themselves as attractive employers of choice, resulting in higher talent acquisition and retention rates.

Reducing Healthcare Costs

Investing in employee health and wellness programs can lead to long-term cost savings for employers. By promoting preventive measures, such as health screenings and wellness education, employers can identify potential health risks early on and support employees in taking necessary actions to prevent or manage chronic conditions. This proactive approach helps reduce healthcare costs associated with expensive medical treatments and long-term absenteeism, ultimately contributing to a healthier and more cost-effective workforce.

Fostering a Positive Organisational Culture

Wellness programs play a significant role in shaping a positive organisational culture. When employers prioritise employee health and wellness, it sends a clear message that the organisation values the holistic well-being of its workforce. This culture of care, supported by wellness initiatives, can foster camaraderie, teamwork, and a sense of community among employees. It creates an environment where individuals feel supported and encouraged to take care of their well-being, resulting in a happier and more engaged workforce.

Prioritising employee health and wellness through comprehensive wellness programs is a powerful investment for employers. By offering a range of initiatives, including wellness education, fitness programs, mental health support, and health screenings, organisations can create an environment that promotes physical and mental well-being. The benefits extend beyond individual employees to include increased productivity, enhanced job satisfaction, improved employee engagement, and cost savings. In a world where the well-being of employees is paramount, investing in employee health and wellness is a strategic and compassionate approach that yields positive outcomes for both employees and the organisation as a whole.

If you would like to find out more about how our team at Corinthian, can support you with your pension and benefits offering – drop us a line at [email protected]

As companies around the world increasingly recognise the significance of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors, integrating sustainability into their operations has become a key priority. This focus on responsible business practices extends to employee benefits, particularly pension schemes. In this blog post, we will delve into the importance of ESG green pensions in the workplace and how they can positively impact both employees and the environment.

Supporting Sustainable Investing

ESG green pensions provide employees with an opportunity to align their retirement savings with their values. These pension schemes promote sustainable investing practices by incorporating ESG criteria into investment decisions. This means that the funds are directed towards companies that demonstrate strong environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and effective governance practices. By opting for an ESG green pension, employees can actively contribute to positive environmental and social change while securing their financial future.

Attracting and Retaining Talented Employees

In today’s competitive job market, talented individuals seek more than just a paycheck; they want to work for companies that share their values and demonstrate a commitment to sustainability. Offering ESG green pensions as part of your employee benefits package can give your organisation a competitive edge in attracting and retaining top talent. By providing an option that aligns with employees’ sustainability goals, you send a powerful message that your company values social and environmental responsibility.

Enhancing Employee Engagement and Well-being

Employee engagement and well-being are crucial for a thriving workplace. ESG green pensions can positively impact both. When employees are aware that their retirement savings are being invested in companies that prioritise ESG factors, it fosters a sense of pride and purpose. This knowledge can improve employee engagement and overall job satisfaction. Moreover, contributing to a sustainable future through their pension investments can enhance employees’ sense of well-being, knowing that they are making a positive difference in the world.

Mitigating Financial Risks

Integrating ESG factors into pension investments goes beyond ethical considerations; it also helps mitigate financial risks. As the world transitions to a low-carbon economy, companies that fail to adapt may face significant financial challenges. ESG green pensions strategically allocate funds to companies that are proactively managing ESG risks and capitalising on emerging sustainable opportunities. By investing in these forward-thinking organisations, employees can potentially minimise their exposure to financial risks associated with climate change, resource scarcity, and regulatory changes.

Meeting Regulatory Requirements

Governments worldwide are increasingly implementing regulations that emphasise the importance of ESG factors in pension schemes. By offering ESG green pensions, your organisation demonstrates compliance with evolving regulatory requirements, positioning itself as a responsible corporate citizen. Staying ahead of these regulatory shifts not only protects your organisation from potential penalties but also helps build trust among employees, investors, and other stakeholders.

Final thoughts

ESG green pensions represent an impactful way for companies to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability, attract top talent, and align employee retirement savings with their values. By embracing these pension schemes, organisations can contribute to a greener future, enhance employee engagement and well-being, and mitigate financial risks associated with ESG factors. As the importance of sustainable practices continues to grow, ESG green pensions will play a vital role in shaping a more sustainable and responsible workplace.

If you are interested in finding out more about ESG pensions – reach out to our team [email protected]

27 March 2023

If you’re not sure, you need to act before 31 July 2023!

The New State Pension will be increasing in April from £185.15 per week to £203.85 (taking it to £10,600 per year) and for lots of us this will be a large proportion of our overall retirement income.
However, did you know that if your National Insurance (NI) records have gaps in them, you may not get this full amount?
At the moment, if you have gaps in your NI records, you can make voluntary contributions to cover gaps back to April 2006. This window was due to end on 5 April 2023, however the deadline has been extended to 31 July 2023. After this date, you will only be able to go back a maximum of 6 years (e.g. from the coming tax year 2023/24, you will only be able to make up gaps as far back as 2017/18 tax year).

So what should you do if you are unsure?

The first thing to do is get a State Pension forecast which will tell you how much State Pension you may get.
You can then apply for a National Insurance statement from HMRC to check if your record has gaps.
If you find you do have gaps in your NI records you may still get the full new State Pension, however, if these gaps prevent this you have some options which I have mentioned in the further information below.
You can also find out more about how filling gaps can affect your State Pension by contacting the Future Pension Centre.

If you would like to know a few basics about who is entitled to the new State Pension and how the pension is calculated I have put some details below.
• The new State Pension is for:
o men born after 6 April 1951 and
o women born after 6 April 1953
• It is based on your NI records when you reach State Pension Age
• You need at least 10 qualifying years to get any new State Pension
• You’ll need 35 qualifying years to get the full amount if you do not have a NI record before 6 April 2016
• You may get less than the new full State Pension if you were contracted out before 6 April 2016
• You may get more than the new full State Pension if you would have had over a certain amount of additional State Pension under the old rules

Qualifying Years
When you are working you will get qualifying years if:
• You’re paying NI contributions which can be either of:
o Employed: earning over £242 per week from one employer
o Self-employed and paying NI contributions (profits of over £11,908)
• You are employed but not earning enough to pay NI but you earn between £123 and £242 a week from one employer
If you are not employed, you may still get NI credits if you:
• Claim child benefit for a child under 12 (or under 16 before 2010)
• Get Jobseeker’s Allowance or Employment and Support Allowance
• Get Carer’s Allowance
• You are ill, disabled or on sick pay

Finally, if you’re not working or getting NI credits you may be able to pay voluntary NI contributions to increase your State Pension amount.

Topping up one qualifying year of £824.20 translates to £275.08 extra per year in state pension. The cost will be increasing from 1st August to £907.40 but you will be getting an extra £302.86 a year in pension due to the increase in April 2023.

For any further assistance with this, please contact your Corinthian Consultant who will be happy to help.

16 March 2023

Here are some of the highlights which may affect you:


  • The Lifetime Allowance (the total amount of money you are allowed to have in your pension without having additional tax charges – which is currently just over £1m) the charge is being removed from 6 April 2023
  • However, the maximum amount of tax free cash you can take will be 25% of your fund value or the current LTA (whichever is the lower), so maximum is frozen at £268,275
  • The Annual Allowance (the maximum total contribution that can be paid in during the year) will be increased from £40,000 to £60,000 from 6 April 2023
  • Also, the Money Purchase Annual Allowance (potentially applicable if you’ve started taking pension income from a defined contribution pension) will be increased from £4,000 to £10,000

Changes for business

  • The main rate of corporation tax, paid by businesses with taxable profits over £250,000, is confirmed to increase from 19% to 25%
  • Reduced paperwork for international traders, who will also be given longer to submit customs forms under streamlined rules
  • Apprenticeships for over 50s to attract a wealth of talent and ability back into the workplace
  • Enhanced Credit for R&D of £27 for every £100 spent


  • And the last good news for today is the outlook for inflation. It is expected to be 2.9% by the end of 2023 compared to 10.1% at present.

We understand that the recent changes announced in the Budget may raise questions and concerns regarding the impact on your business.

We encourage you to reach out to our Corinthian Benefits team, who are readily available to provide guidance and support tailored to your specific needs.

4 October 2022

From the moment we enter the world of work, we are told that we have to work up until retirement age and that work should underpin everything that we do. This has been the mindset of generations before us but the Covid-19 pandemic threw a slight curveball at the world of work and life balance because it made people realise that there is more to life than work. Of course, if you want to live comfortably in retirement then you have to work but it is possible to find that perfect work-life balance and now, more people are looking to enjoy more of life at a younger age.

What Has Research Found?

The research by Aviva, which looked at data from 2,173 employees, found that 41% of people enjoy their current role because of the way in which it allows them to get the best of both worlds when it comes to work-life balance. This is a figure that has risen when compared to before the pandemic, proving that many people have changed their approach to life and work.

Another element of the workplace that employees appreciate is the benefits on offer as this helps them to feel valued and it increases happiness and boosts morale. Despite this, a similar number of people said that they would like to see improvements made to benefits in the coming year.

The vast majority (88 per cent) of employees said workplace benefits (other than salary) improved their overall happiness. However, a similar proportion (87 per cent) said they wished to see improvements to the benefits offered in the next 12 months.

In contrast to this, male employees were more likely to state that the salary attracted them to their current job as opposed to the work-life balance that it offered. The figure for women came in slightly lower at 34% compared to 43% for men. Therefore, it was found that women were more attracted to roles because of the work-life balance that it offered as opposed to the salary on offer.

So often, when speaking to employees, they tell me that the perks and benefits they access make a difference to their overall wellbeing and happiness. This is especially true when it comes to flexible work arrangements. For example, we know that flexible working gives employees more time for themselves and their loved ones, as well as more time to take care of their health. We also know that there are clear links between wellbeing and productivity.

When speaking to employers we know they need to attract talent into the company and retain experience in order to thrive. The pandemic has changed our approach to life and while benefits in the workplace were still important, more people were now seeing the benefits of a good work-life balance.

What has been found is that employers have to consider the needs and challenges of employees when it comes to any benefits packages that they offer. Therefore, employers have to communicate clearly with employees what the packages offer and how they can benefit from them. As more people look to find a good work-life balance, they have stated that the benefits they would prefer are those that give them an allowance to spend on anything they wish.

Let’s talk 

As a result of the pandemic, people have re-evaluated what matters to them. Some believe that they should have more time to live life while they are younger and parents like the idea of being able to work from home so they can take their children to school and pick them up. All of this is clear proof that working patterns and greater flexibility helps to empower people and enhance productivity in the workplace. All of which benefits employers and employees alike.

When you do this, you will find that your workforce becomes happier, more content and more productive. At Corinthian Benefits we focus on creating happier employees that feel more connected and engaged to their employers through their pensions, benefits and general wellbeing. 

We offer a no-obligation call with a member of our friendly, experienced and supportive team. We are here to make your life easier by providing the best possible service – pure and simple. Visit our website or drop us an email at [email protected] so we can discuss how we can support you and your employees.

20 September 2022

Costs are rising at the fastest rate seen for decades, which now means that people are struggling to survive from one pay cheque to the other. Many people like to have a buffer of cash behind them that they can fall back on, but the current cost-of-living crisis has meant that people are now having to use their savings and cash reserves.

What is the Current Situation?

It has been found that a third of workers in the UK are now losing control of their finances as they rely on living on one paycheck after the others without having spare money to protect them from the cost of emergencies.

In addition to this, it has also been found that just over a quarter of workers are also struggling financially, providing a real insight into the current financial situation in the UK. The last two years have been challenging for everyone, and the pandemic almost made us lose grasp of our familiar current situations as we had to forfeit things such as holidays and other expenditures that formed part of everyday life. However, just over a third of people could not cover the cost of their mortgage or utility bills, while 29% of people had to take advantage of a salary advance with 33% now saying that they now believe they will have to work longer before they can retire.

This is a precarious situation as it is recommended that people aim to have anything from three to six months worth of savings behind them to cover the cost of emergencies such as the replacement of a boiler or to cover the cost of being out of work but currently, this is becoming a difficult situation to manage for many.

The Impact

There is a significant impact of this situation on people because it causes self-destructive behaviours whereby people are smoking more, eating poorly and are drinking too much while just under a fifth are abusing substances. Along with this, two-thirds are suffering from depression and anxiety.

This has resulted in calls for employers to provide more support as tools are available to help struggling employees. The tools could help with financial planning and budgeting, but over half of those who have received support have said that the tools and resources positively impacted their situation. Furthermore, 42% also said financial apps and tools should be included in employee benefits.

This means that employees should be aware of what is available through clearer communication. However, not all employers are aware of the available salary sacrifice and benefits packages. Therefore, education is important as well as simple access. This will ensure that employees can benefit from various packages and initiatives that could help ease their situation and give them some breathing space regarding their finances.

How we can help

At Corinthian Benefits, we work with a wide range of businesses – delivering the best pension and benefit package for your business and your employees. We’re passionate about providing the best possible service to every one of our clients and their teams. Our members have access to various tools, including our budget calculator and can also access the benefits of salary exchange to save money. Also, in terms of perks, we can offer a discounted shopping portal, and cash plans have many tangible benefits, including help towards dental and optical and even money towards prescriptions.

Let’s talk

We offer a no-obligation call with a member of our friendly, experienced and supportive team. We are here to make your life easier by providing the best possible service – pure and simple. Visit our website or drop us an email at [email protected] so we can discuss how we can support you and your employees.

22 August 2022

An employee benefits package can be hugely important to employees but creating one is not as simple as you might think. If your benefits package is to be effective and deliver what your employees really want, it will have to reflect the values and culture of your business.

Employee benefits have been in the spotlight since the pandemic started because companies have had to understand what employees want, and in recent years, this has evolved rapidly.

Taking a step back when it comes to updating what you offer doesn’t have to be a challenge. This is because your package should be aligned with the diversity, equality and inclusivity values underpinning your business while ensuring it enhances their working life.

Your Company Culture and Diversity, Equality and Inclusivity

It is important for your business to look at what you offer employees on a wide scale; this is much more than simply looking at their salaries. You’ll also need to consider what employees get by working for your business and whether you can meet their needs individually. Do they feel a part of your business and feel valued?

When employee benefits meet the wide-ranging needs of your employees, only then are they considered successful. If you are unaware of those needs, you might opt for a benefits package that completely misses the mark and could work against you. Therefore, it makes perfect sense to have a solid diversity, equality and inclusivity policy in place to make sure you recognise the needs of employees.

Understanding Their Needs

One thing that all employees look at is the financial incentive of working for you. However, they are not just looking at the salary because they want much more. Ideally, they are looking for packages that support their lives, ranging from having duvet days to having flowers delivered on their work anniversary. As many of us focus on our health and nourishment, it’s important to ensure that we’re still getting enough of what we need at work. Offering soft benefits like free fruit and healthy snacks in the office is a win for everyone involved: your employees will be happier and healthier, and you’ll have happier, healthier employees who are more productive. Senior staff might prefer something that supports them financially, while younger employees might prefer something that benefits their young family or extracurricular activities. There are many different benefits that you can implement, such as working from home, which demonstrates that you trust employees but also a menopause policy that provides support to those that need it.

Cash plans are a good example of a benefit that can appeal to a wide range of your employees. Cash plans are designed to pay out for everyday health care costs such as dental treatment, eye tests, glasses/contact lenses, physiotherapy, chiropody and even preventive measures such as health screening. Cash plans are quick and easy to set up; they are a cost-effective way to reward and support your workforce and are a fraction of the cost of private medical insurance.

Get the Right Support

You might not have the scope to create a diverse, equal and inclusive policy in-house, but support is available for you to take advantage of. This is something that large organisations might consider as they are more likely to have several departments and staff that have different needs.

Furthermore, once you have a benefits package in place, there is no benefit from assuming that the work is done. It can help to revisit it every so often to see what is working and what needs changing as it might need to evolve to meet the ever-changing needs of your workforce.

You don’t have to tackle your Employee Benefits solution alone. Our team are on hand to answer your questions and work out what is best for you and your team, for now, and for the future.

For further information call 0208 189 6100 or email [email protected]

27 July 2022

Employees are the backbone of every business and valuing their input, loyalty and productivity is key to retaining the very best talent. The aim is to create an employee experience that delivers results in terms of engagement. Celebrating milestones doesn’t have to be something that requires the arranging of a party but it does require management and business leaders to take time out of their day to recognise these milestones with staff.

How Can You Celebrate Milestones?

There are many different ways in which you can celebrate milestones and these can include:

  • Announcing milestones during meetings
  • Discussing it in a newsletter sent to the entire business
  • Acknowledging public recognition
  • Leaving them a personal note
  • Giving gifts
  • Rewarding them with lunch
  • A workplace party
  • Highlighting the employee of the month

The employee experience is about everything they experience in the workplace and this includes being recognised. Almost 75% of teams feel as though they are valued when they receive praise through recognition and the celebration of milestones.

What Milestones Can Be Celebrated?

Their First Day – When you celebrate their first day, you are acknowledging their arrival and you make them feel welcome from the beginning.

Their First Three Months – If they have had a successful first three months then this is a milestone worth celebrating

Delivery of Projects – When a project is completed, celebrating its delivery is a great way of saying thank you.

Promotion – When a member of staff is promoted, sharing the news with other employees is a great way of showing where hard work can take you.

Anniversaries – From one year to five years and even twenty-five years, these are significant milestones that should be celebrated and recognised.

Graduating – Some employees continue to learn while working and celebrating these achievements is a way of recognising and thanking them for their efforts.

Becoming Certified – Certain jobs require staff to become certified. This often involves late nights, coursework and exams. Congratulating staff is a great way of showing your gratitude.

Reaching Retirement Age – Reaching the end of your working life is a big achievement. Celebrating this achievement shows that you appreciate their dedication and efforts through the years.

Birthdays – Everyone has that one day a year where they feel special and that’s their birthday. Bring them in a cake, let them choose the office playlist for the day or send out an celebratory email. Whatever you choose, acknowledging their birthday makes them feel a part of the company.

Big Events – From marriage to childbirth, these are all big events and celebrating these can help to create a community feel.

Business Anniversary – Businesses can also reach anniversaries such as how long it has been trading. Including employees in these celebrations will make them feel like a part of the company.

Customer Appreciation – If a customer gives a glowing review of an employee then this is something worth celebrating as it helps to create a feeling of positivity that runs through the business.

When discussing happy employees with management and looking at ways in which you can enhance morale and the employee experience, celebrating milestones is an opportunity to create a feeling of value and loyalty. Celebrating milestones can be simple but what they bring to your business and your employees cannot be overlooked.

[email protected]

13 July 2022

In recent times, the workplace has been through a change that has not been seen for decades. This might be down to the Covid-19 pandemic and other reasons but organisation policy is changing slowly and employers are now taking a new approach. Following a period of working from home and furlough, HR teams are now looking over their existing policies to determine how they can fit around a changing world.

So, what policies could you introduce for your teams as a way of enhancing retention, productivity and engagement?

Health and mental wellbeing

Employee wellbeing goes far beyond just minimising health issues and health-related absences. The World Health Organisation consider wellbeing at work “a state of complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing” – so it encompasses all areas of working life. Promoting wellbeing at work can help create a positive working environment by minimising stress levels, improving employee satisfaction and engagement, and ultimately helping your employees thrive at work. We believe a happy and healthy workforce is essential in building a successful business. Putting the steps in to support this can be hard work but ultimately rewarding.

Financial Wellbeing

The cost of living crisis has taken over the UK in recent months and many people are finding that their finances are becoming tighter. This can have a negative effect on their wellbeing and can cause both mental and physical problems but still, there are not many policies in place to deal with this. As a result, there has been a call for large businesses to implement financial wellbeing policies to support staff which include:

  • Access to advice and resources
  • Financial planning advice such as pension advice or planning for maternity leave
  • Improved employee benefit schemes that include financial benefits
  • Flexible working to assist with those who need to manage childcare or work from home to save on travel costs
  • A commitment to ensure that employees receive the Real Living Wage

Burnout Policies

Wellbeing has been a priority over the previous two years in particular, as people have had to deal with a wide range of challenges during the pandemic. Mental health is at the forefront of change in the workplace and many people have suffered recently, so it is important that employers do as much as possible.

What this has meant is that employers have implemented measures that are designed to support staff while also ensuring they are helped to deal with the pressures that came with Covid-19. Some businesses have started giving staff more time off as a way of recognising their efforts while some have opted to implement schemes that are aimed at encouraging them to take more time for themselves. Mental health costs employers as much as £45 billion on an annual basis but for every £1 they invest in mental health interventions, they can make back £5 as a result of turnover and a reduction of absenteeism. This is a clear incentive for businesses to implement policies that support the wellbeing of employees.

Through the review of existing policies and by making changes, it is easy to create a workplace that is understanding, accepting and supportive, all of which is something to consider when discussing happy employees.

Email : [email protected] or call: 0208 189 6100